Arcana Heart Wiki

Normal Style[]


  • Sword - Charging Gleiten - ↓↘→ + A, B or C - Rush forward and perform a low height slashing attack with two blades.
  • Sword - Piercing Fliegen - →↙→ + A, B or C (midair also) - Leap into the air flanked by two blades as an anti-air attack.
  • Sword - Equip Sein - ↓↓ + A, B or C - Charge up your gauntlet, attaching a sword to your attacks. Last until hit by an opponent.
  • Sword - Set Minen - ↓↙← + A, B or C - Create a ring of blades in the ground.
  • Sword - Release Tatigkeit - After [Sword - Set Minen], ↓↙← + A, B or C - Launch the blades created by [Sword - Set Minen].
    • Sword - Follow Jurgen - After [Sword - Release Tatigkeit], ↓↙← + A, B or C - Blades from [Sword - Release Tatigkeit] chase after an opponent.
  • Sword - Legion Greifen - →↘↓↙←→ + A, B or C - Grab a nearby opponent before stabbing them with many sword projections.


  • Assault Sword - Charging Zahlreich - ↓↘→ + AB - Perform a forward charging attack, followed by a high speed combo.
  • Drill Sword - Piercing Zentrum - →↙→ + AB - Leap into the air using a giant sword for a powerful anti-air attack.
  • Cavalry Sword - Giant Meteore - While midair, →↘↓↙← + AB - Summon a giant sword for a powerful diving attack.

Critical Heart[]

  • Restriction Unleashed - War Sword Himmelfahrt - While [Sword - Equip Sein] is active, →←↙↓↘→ + AB - Slash your opponent before launching them into the air and striking with numerous swords.
    • The Extend Force version will end with three big swords.

Simple Style[]


  • Sword - Charging Gleiten - → + B - Rush forward and perform a low height slashing attack with two blades.
  • Sword - Piercing Fliegen - ↓ + B (midair also) - Leap into the air flanked by two blades as an anti-air attack.
  • Sword - Equip Sein - B - Charge up your gauntlet, attaching a sword to your attacks. Last until hit by an opponent.
  • Sword - Legion Greifen - ← + B - Grab a nearby opponent before stabbing them with many sword projections.

Sword - Set Minen, Release Tatigkeit & Follow Jurgen are not available in this style.


  • Assault Sword - Charging Zahlreich - AB - Perform a forward charging attack, followed by a high speed combo.
  • Drill Sword - Piercing Zentrum - ↓ + AB - Leap into the air using a giant sword for a powerful anti-air attack.
  • Cavalry Sword - Giant Meteore - While midair, AB - Summon a giant sword for a powerful diving attack.

Critical Heart[]

  • Restriction Unleashed - War Sword Himmelfahrt - While [Sword - Equip Sein] is active, BC - Slash your opponent before launching them into the air and striking with numerous swords.
    • The Extend Force version will end with three big swords.


Move Lists
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