Arcana Heart Wiki


  • She is capable of a wall jump by pressing → on the edge of the screen

Normal Style[]


  • Chain - Fulcrum Schlinge - ↓↘→ + A, B or C (midair also) - Summon a [Fulcrum] in midair. It is possible to have up to three summoned at the same time.
  • Chain - Quick Binding Ketten - When a chain is near a [Fulcrum], hold A, B or C (midair also) - Attach your chain to the [Fulcrum], allowing you to perform [Chain Bound] attacks.
  • Chain - Binding Ketten - While a [Fulcrum] is placed, →↙→ + A, B or C - Fire a chain at the nearest [Fulcrum], allowing you to perform [Chain Bound] attacks.
  • Chain - Exploding Anzunden - While [Chain Bound], A, B or C - Send a spark of spirit energy along the chain to the [Fulcrum], causing it to detonate.
  • Chain - Swinging Springen - While [Chain Bound], ↑ - Use the [Fulcrum] as an axis of rotation to perform a swinging kick attack. Can follow with midair attacks.
  • Chain - Laufen - While [Chain Bound], → - Use the [Fulcrum] to tackle an opponent. Can follow with midair attacks.
  • Chain - End Warten - While [Chain Bound], ← - Retract the chain, ending the [Chain Bound] status.
  • Chain - Attacking Schwanz - ↓↙← + A, B or C - Swing a chain in a big arc. This chain can be attached to a [Fulcrum] using [Binding Ketten].
  • Chain - Armored Rusting - ↓↓ + A, B or C (also midair) - Surround yourself in a twirling chain attack.


  • Muder Chain - Strangling Schmerz - ↓↘→ + AB - Grab an opponent with this chain attack, then slam them on the ground repeatedly.
  • Madness Chain - Frenzy Frevel - ↓↙← + AB (midair also) - Swing two chains wildly around midair, attacking anyone within its vicinity.

Critical Heart[]

  • Restriction Unleashed - War Chain Wolkenkratzer - While at least two [Fulcrum] are placed, ↓↓↓ + AB - Chains will travel between the [Fulcrum], ensnaring an enemy for a powerful follow-up attack.
    • The Extend Force version finished off the opponent being pulling a chain for a massive damage.

Simple Style[]


  • Chain - Fulcrum Schlinge - B (midair also) - Summon a [Fulcrum] in midair. It is possible to have up to three summoned at the same time.
  • Chain - Quick Binding Ketten - When a chain is near a [Fulcrum], hold A or B (midair also) - Attach your chain to the [Fulcrum], allowing you to perform [Chain Bound] attacks.
  • Chain - Binding Ketten - While a [Fulcrum] is placed, → + B - Fire a chain at the nearest [Fulcrum], allowing you to perform [Chain Bound] attacks.
  • Chain - Exploding Anzunden - While [Chain Bound], B - Send a spark of spirit energy along the chain to the [Fulcrum], causing it to detonate.
  • Chain - Attacking Schwanz - ← + B - Swing a chain in a big arc. This chain can be attached to a [Fulcrum] using [Binding Ketten].
  • Chain - Armored Rusting - ↓ + B (also midair) - Surround yourself in a twirling chain attack.

Chain - Swinging Springen, Laufenand & End Warten are not available in this style.


  • Muder Chain - Strangling Schmerz - → + AB - Grab an opponent with this chain attack, then slam them on the ground repeatedly.
  • Madness Chain - Frenzy Frevel - AB (midair also) - Swing two chains wildly around midair, attacking anyone within its vicinity.

Critical Heart[]

  • Restriction Unleashed - War Chain Wolkenkratzer - While at least two [Fulcrum] are placed, BC - Chains will travel between the [Fulcrum], ensnaring an enemy for a powerful follow-up attack.
    • The Extend Force version finished off the opponent being pulling a chain for a massive damage.


Move Lists
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