Arcana Heart Wiki


  • She can slightly crawl by pressing ← or →.
  • She can wall jump by pressing → on the wall.

Normal Style[]


  • Shuriken - ↓↘→ + A, B or C - Throw a shuriken.
    • Number 2 - After [Shuriken], A, B or C - Throw a second shuriken.
      • Number 3 - After [Number 2], A, B or C - Throw a third, more powerful, shuriken.
  • Kunai - While midair, ↓↘→ + A, B or C - Throw a kunai.
  • Hayate Tsuki (Hurricane Thrust) - →↙→ + A, B or C - Perform a high speed thrust attack.
    • Upper Thrust - After [Hayate Tsuki], A - Perform an upward thrust attack.
    • Sky Vanish - After [Hayate Tsuki], B - Perform a fake sliding kick, then reappear midair.
    • Earth Vanish - After [Hayate Tsuki], ↓ + B - Disappear, then reappear near the ground.
    • Forward Thrust - After [Hayate Tsuki], C - Vanish and perform a second high speed thrust attack.
    • Hammer Strike - After [Hayate Tsuki], → + C - Perform a short jump then attack with an overhead strike.
  • Takinobori (Waterfall Ascension) - ↓↑ + A, B or C - Perform a springing handstand kick.
    • Doton no Kutsu (Underground Technique) - After [Takinobori], ↓ + A, B or C before the kick. - Quickly hide underground.
  • Konoha Kakure no Jutsu - Chi (Konoha's Vanishing Technique - Earth) - ↓↙← + A, B or C - Disappear, then reappear alongside two images on the ground.
  • Konoha Kakure no Jutsu - Ten (Konoha's Vanishing Technique - Sky) - ←↘← + A, B or C - Disappear, then reappear alongside two images in midair.
  • Kawarimi no Jutsu (Replacement Technique) - ←↙↓↘→ + A, B or C - Counter an attack by replacing yourself with something convenient.
  • Doton no Jutsu (Underground Technique) - ↓↓ + A, B or C - Quickly hide underground.
    • End Technique - During [Doton no Jutsu], ↑ - Quickly reappear out of the ground.
    • Move Underground - During [Doton no Jutsu], ← or → - Slowly move while underground.
    • Fukiya (Blowart) - During [Doton no Jutsu], A - Fire a blowdart straight up. Only one per [Doton no Jutsu].
    • Hayabusa Geri (Falcon Kick) - During [Doton no Jutsu], B - Reappear midair and perform a falling drop kick.
    • Takinobori (Waterfall Ascension) - During [Doton no Jutsu], C - Attack from the ground with a springing handstand kick.
  • Musasabi no Jutsu (Flying Squirrel Technique) - ↓↙← + A, B or C - Use a makeshift parachute to slow your descent.
    • End Technique - During [Musasabi no Jutsu], ↓ - Stop gliding and fall to the ground.
    • Control Movement - During [Musasabi no Jutsu], ← or → - Alter the movement of the technique to the left or right.
  • Izuna Otoshi no Jutsu (Fox Drop Technique) - While midair, ↑↗→↘↓↙←↖ + A, B or C - Grab nearby opponents midair with a throw attack.
  • Hayabusa Geri (Falcon Kick) - While midair, ↓↓ + A, B or C - Perform a falling drop kick.
    • Korogari (Roll) - After [Hayabusa Geri], or ← + A, B or C - Roll away from the fall zone after finishing the kick.
    • Doton no Jutsu (Underground Technique) - After [Hayabusa Geri], ↓ + A, B or C before the kick.- Quickly hide underground.


  • Konoha Hyaku Bunshin no Jutsu (Konoha Hundred Clone Technique) - ↓↘→ + AB - Rush the opponent. If the attack hits, perform a combo from all directions.
  • Konoha Otoshi no Jutsu (Konoha Drop Technique) - ↓ charge↑ + AB, then rapidly input ↑↗→↘↓↙←↖ - Grab the opponent and deliver a powerful throw. More spins for more power.
  • Konoha Midare Kunai no Jutsu (Konoha Chaotic Kunai Technique) - While midair, ↓↘→ + AB - Throw multiple volleys of explosive shuriken.

Critical Heart[]

  • Konoha Special - While midair, ↑↗→↘↓↙←↖↑↗→↘↓↙←↖ + AB - Swoop down on an airborne foe, delivering a powerful combination attack.
    • The Extend Force version extends the combo.

Simple Style[]


  • Shuriken - B - Throw a shuriken.
    • Number 2 - After [Shuriken], B - Throw a second shuriken.
      • Number 3 - After [Number 2], B - Throw a third, more powerful, shuriken.
  • Kunai - While midair, B - Throw a kunai.
  • Hayate Tsuki (Hurricane Thrust) - → + B - Perform a high speed thrust attack.
    • Hammer Strike - After [Hayate Tsuki], B - Perform a short jump then attack with an overhead strike.
  • Takinobori (Waterfall Ascension) - ↓ + B - Perform a springing handstand kick.
  • Kawarimi no Jutsu (Replacement Technique) - ← + B - Counter an attack by replacing yourself with something convenient.
  • Izuna Otoshi no Jutsu (Fox Drop Technique) - While midair, → + B - Grab nearby opponents midair with a throw attack.
  • Hayabusa Geri (Falcon Kick) - While midair, ↓ + B - Perform a falling drop kick.

Many of the moves (seen in Normal Style) is not avaliable.


  • Konoha Hyaku Bunshin no Jutsu (Konoha Hundred Clone Technique) - AB - Rush the opponent. If the attack hits, perform a combo from all directions.
  • Konoha Otoshi no Jutsu (Konoha Drop Technique) - ↓ + AB, then rapidly input ↑↗→↘↓↙←↖ - Grab the opponent and deliver a powerful throw. More spins for more power.
  • Konoha Midare Kunai no Jutsu (Konoha Chaotic Kunai Technique) - While midair, AB - Throw multiple volleys of explosive shuriken.

Critical Heart[]

  • Konoha Special - While midair, BC - Swoop down on an airborne foe, delivering a powerful combination attack.
    • The Extend Force version extends the combo.


Move Lists
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