Arcana Heart Wiki

Normal Style[]


  • Kira Driver - ↑↗→↘↓↙←↖↑ + A, B or C - Grab nearby grounded opponents with a powerful throw attack.
  • Flying Kira Driver - While midair, ↓↙← + A, B or C - Grab nearby airborne opponents with a powerful throw attack.
  • Daidouji Bunker Buster - →↘↓↙← + A, B or C, or in midair, →↙→ + A, B or C - Perform a powerful throw attack. Depending on button pressed, the type of throw will change.
    • Crowning Suplex - During [Daidouji Bunker Buster] hit, A, B or C - Follow up [Daidouji Bunker Buster] with a powerful back-drop.
  • Ekoda Style Cluster - ←↙↓↘→ + A, B or C - Perform a step forward, then attack with a two handed slap.
  • Ekoda Style Grenade - →↙→ + A - Grab nearby airborne opponents and smash them onto the ground.
  • Ekoda Style Rocket Launcher - →↙→ + B - Grab nearby airborne opponents and hurl them against the wall.
  • Ekoda Style Landmine - →↙→ + C - Grab nearby airborne opponents and slam them onto the ground, bouncing them into the sky.


  • Armageddon Buster - ↑↗→↘↓↙←↖↑↗→↘↓↙←↖↑ + AB - Grab nearby grounded opponents with a very powerful throw attack.
  • Flying Armageddon - While midair, →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + AB - Grab nearby airborne opponents with a very powerful throw attack.

Critical Heart[]

  • Last Armageddon Drop - ↑↗→↘↓↙←↖↑↗→↘↓↙←↖↑↗→↘↓↙←↖↑ + AB - Seize your opponent and perform the ultimate grab combo.
    • The Extend Force version finishes off with a shape of Kira's angry head.

Simple Style[]


  • Kira Driver - B - Grab nearby grounded opponents with a powerful throw attack.
  • Flying Kira Driver - While midair, B - Grab nearby airborne opponents with a powerful throw attack.
  • Daidouji Bunker Buster - → + B - Perform a powerful throw attack.
    • Crowning Suplex - During [Daidouji Bunker Buster] hit, B - Follow up [Daidouji Bunker Buster] with a powerful back-drop.
  • Ekoda Style Cluster - ← + B - Perform a step forward, then attack with a two handed slap.
  • Ekoda Style Rocket Launcher - ↓ + B - Grab nearby airborne opponents and hurl them against the wall.

Ekoda Style Grenade and Ekoda Style Landmine are not available in this style.


  • Armageddon Buster - AB - Grab nearby grounded opponents with a very powerful throw attack.
  • Flying Armageddon - While midair, AB - Grab nearby airborne opponents with a very powerful throw attack.

Critical Heart[]

  • Last Armageddon Drop - BC - Seize your opponent and perform the ultimate grab combo.
    • The Extend Force version finishes off with a shape of Kira's angry head.


Move Lists
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