Arcana Heart Wiki

Normal Style[]


  • Kunugi (Sword of Merit) - ↓↓ + A, B or C - Sacrifice a small amount of health to increase attack power. Cannot use when out of health.
  • Uruma (Inner Gap) - ←↙↓↘→ + A, B or C - Lunge forward in a low stance and perform a low slashing attack if you come into contact with your opponent.
  • Kagesuki (Shadow Gap) - While powered up by [Kunugi], ←↙↓↘→ + A, B or C - Quickly lunge forward in a low stance and perform a low slashing attack if you come into contact with your opponent.
  • Habaki (Sword Collar) - ← charges → + A, B or C - Fire two slashes of spirit energy forward.
  • Kodama (Ringing Blade) - While powered up by [Kunugi], ← charges → + A, B or C - Fire two slashes of spirit energy that fly forward after a short delay.
  • Tenza (Heavenly Chains) - While midair, ←↘← + A, B or C - Perform a wide circular slash in midair.
  • Seizan (Death Beheader) - While midair and powered up by [Kunugi], ←↘← + A, B or C - Perform a powerful wide circular slash in midair.
  • Kanna (Spirit Style) - →↘↓↙← + A, B or C - Attack after entering prepared sword stance.
    • Slash Attack - During [Kanna], + A, B or C (multiple inputs possible) - Increase the number of strikes. Slash Attack will not activate if the same button is input twice.
    • Hold Stance - During [Kanna], hold ← - Delay the [Kanna] stance, is possible to input [Slash Attack] commands during this time.
    • Cancel Stance - During [Kanna], hold E - Cancel the stance without attacking.
  • Sazarashi (Nine Gems) - While powered up by [Kunugi], ↓↙← + A, B or C - Enter the [Kanna] stance before attacking with three far slash attacks.
  • Chijou Koufu (Ground Seal) - →↙→ + A, B or C - Counter various attacks on the ground.
  • Kuchu Koufu (Air Seal) - While midair, →↙→ + A, B or C - Counter various attacks in the air.
  • Wazabane (Helmet Splitter) - While midair, ↓↓ + A, B or C - Perform a flip, then come down with a vertical slash attack.


  • Muon (Zen Strike) - ↓↘→ + AB - Rush forward and perform a powerful sword slash.
  • Horobi (Destruction) - While midair, ↓↘→ + AB - Perform a powerful vertical slash attack from midair.

Critical Heart[]

  • Shimatsuri (Death Seal) - While blocking with [Chijou Koufu], ↓↓↓ + AB - Block the opponent's attack and retaliate.
    • The Extend Force version is longer and deadly.

Simple Style[]


  • Uruma (Inner Gap) - → + B - Lunge forward in a low stance and perform a low slashing attack if you come into contact with your opponent.
  • Habaki (Sword Collar) - B - Fire two slashes of spirit energy forward.
  • Tenza (Heavenly Chains) - While midair, B - Perform a wide circular slash in midair.
  • Chijou Koufu (Ground Seal) - ↓ + B or ← + B - Counter various attacks on the ground.
  • Wazabane (Helmet Splitter) - While midair, ↓ + B - Perform a flip, then come down with a vertical slash attack.

Kunugi, Kagesuki, Kodama, Seizan, Kanna (along with others), Sazarashi and Kuchu Koufu are not available in this style.


  • Muon (Zen Strike) - AB - Rush forward and perform a powerful sword slash.
  • Horobi (Destruction) - While midair, ↓ + AB - Perform a powerful vertical slash attack from midair.

Critical Heart[]

  • Shimatsuri (Death Seal) - While blocking with [Chijou Koufu], AB - Block the opponent's attack and retaliate.
    • The Extend Force version is longer and deadly.


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