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Main Storyline[]

Incident at the Academy 1[]

Impatiently waiting for class to end, Heart approaches Saki and Maori and suggests they eat lunch together- but due to her excitement, she didn't realize the teacher wasn't finished. She punishes Heart by giving her homework before deciding to end the lecture. As they prepare to go Saki remarks on how she probably would have given Heart a harsher punishment but watching her bond with Maori -who offered to help her with the work- causes her to become envious. She claims she could also help Heart.

Sitting down to eat, Heart happily brings up how she has her favorite today, but after observing Saki's equally delicious-looking food she asks if they can trade, offering her chicken for:

Fried Egg - Surprised, Saki asks Heart about her decision, and Heart compares it to a really sweet cake. Along with other salty and saucy foods, and Maori requests being included on the trade because she would also like to try her fried chicken. Heart agrees.

Octo Sausage - Saki asks Heart if she likes sausage, and Heart admits that while she doesn't like it as much, she likes the adorable little octopus legs and the love and effort put into making them. Saki admits to having never thought of it like that as she hands them over, only for Heart to request being fed by her. She then offers to return the favor, greatly flustering Saki. She hesitantly opens her mouth to eat and compliments the chicken as Maori asks to try a bite as well- but she refuses to let Heart feed her. 

Meatball - The girls eat and Heart brings up how her mother helped her make the chicken, so she's glad it came out good. Before she can eat the meat ball she traded for, she drops it. Maori tells her its inedible now and Saki offers her another one.

After finishing lunch the girls start discussing the recent disappearances around school as of late when they hear students nearby also accessing the situation. Heart brings up how she hasn't seen Kamui or Konoha as of late and hopes they are okay; but as the Celestial Union hasn't contacted anyone lately they aren't too worried. Suddenly, Heart gets an idea and suggests they investigate, but Saki expresses that this may be too dangerous until Maori assures her that they don't have to. Heart declines and Saki reluctantly agrees to join her knowing its futile once Heart sets her mind on something. She decides that just for today they will look, but the subject will be dropped if they don't find anything.

With that, they ask Heart where they should search first, Yokohama or the Academy of Metaphysics:

Yokohama - Heart's intuition suggests they start here, but Saki scolds her under the belief she is only goofing off and she refuses to help her until Heart apologizes. She suggests they just look around the school but nothing seems wrong.

Academy  - Since the oddities have been taking place here, it would only make sense to start here. Maori and Saki agree.

I dunno -

Sensing their concerns, Heart worriedly asks the girls if they're sure they want to join her since it could be dangerous. They remind her that they already agreed to join her and they run off to class after noticing the time. Afterwards they will begin their search.

Incident at the Academy 2[]

After school Maori and Saki discuss how strange it is to be in school without any activity going on. Heart brings up that with the recent goings-on they were canceled, much to her disappointment. The girls are creeped out and Heart attempts to lighten the mood by randomly yelling out in the hallway, until they shush her, reminding her that they would have to leave if they get caught. She agrees to quiet down until a voice startles them. While Saki and Maori hide, Heart lacks their quick thinking and she gets caught by Lilica, who is disappointed as she got separated from Yoriko. She checked the library for her but she wasn't there; she goes on to ask what they were doing and after being brought up to speed, she mentions her classmates were discussing these strange events lately.

As Heart informs Lilica that they have been looking at least for an hour now, a suspicious Saki begins questioning her. She can't overlook the fact that she is still there on campus after hours, though Lilica points out they are doing the same thing. They begin to bicker until Maori intervenes to ask Lilica why she's there still. Lilica recalls how she and Yoriko left earlier, but seeing a flash of light she became distracted and somehow ended up back in here. Yoriko went to look for a book and she hasn't been able to find her. She's beginning to feel worn out now.

Saki asks Heart what they should do now:

Don't worry and Smile -

Go with her/Ask her what she wants to do - Heart suggests they bring Lilica with them but she hesitates, considering she might just slow them down. Because they're searching for two separate things she would prefer to just continue on her own to focus on fulfilling her promise. Heart asks to at least walk with her back to the Library and Lilica eagerly agrees after revealing she hasn't been able to find it yet; she attempts to avoid the subject as it becomes painfully clear her directional skills need work.

Suddenly the ground starts shaking. By the time it stops Lilica has vanished and Saki thinks about a book known as the "Supernatural Phenomenon of the World". Maori takes note of how differently their surroundings feel now when Lieselotte joins them, causing Heart to wonder why she's still here. Maori assumes it has something to do with the Japanese branch of the Celestial Union, but Lieselotte claims it does not. Somehow she just woke up here. They recall how the same occurred with Lilica as Lieselotte goes on to mention being unable to leave as strange seals have been placed on the doors. She doesn't have any idea where they could be at either.

Another tremor occurs, and by this point only Saki and Heart are together. Saki asks Heart what they should focus on:

The Passage of Time - Noticing the oddity with the school clocks, Heart suggests they check. She claims it's been four hours since they began searching, but the clocks say it's only been three.

The Situation outside - Saki agrees and asks what time it is, seeing as the outside time doesn't match her internet clock. Heart brings up that it has been roughly four hours since they began searching and it should be around seven, but outside it only looks like noon.

The Tremors themselves -

After another tremor begins, Heart asks about the school and brings up how something seems different. While it looks the same, it doesn't feel right. She starts wondering if all the light outside is from energy and they start to worry over everyone vanishing, until Saki calms down and convinces Heart that they will probably be fine. Lilica already dealt with this and she's been okay, but they shouldn't let their guards down either. With nothing else in mind, they try to search for their missing friends.

Incident at the Academy 3[]

Saki begins to theorize that they might have been thrown into an alternate dimension and explains this to Heart, saying that they might be trapped in there for as long as the tremors continue. Heart suggests they hold hands to keep from separating when they start again, and upon ending they find Kamui nearby.

Heart is glad to see she is okay since it's been a while, and Kamui mentions how she was given the task to find out what is going on. To avoid revealing anything, Saki attempts to quiet down Heart while claiming they just happened to be there. She goes on to bring up her theory again and tells Kamui not to bother trying to escape because once someone enters they are unable to leave. Heart is disappointed but she suggests they keep high-spirits and work together for now. Saki agrees but Kamui doesn't think it's worth it since they can't really do much right now. Saki disagrees under the belief that Kamui shouldn't try to solve this on her own. Kamui brings up how she made Konoha stay outside for her safety but she begins to wonder if she made the right decision after Heart and Saki claim that they would want to be with each other if they were worried like that.

Just then, another tremor occurs. In another location within the school, the girls are beginning to get frustrated and are unsure of how to fix things when they keep being tossed around. Saki explains that this world is apparently a subspace created by a planar rift, and that they are trapped to keep from finding out who is responsible for it. Heart decides that they must try to keep looking and convince the guilty party to stop; initially confusing Saki until she gets an idea and suggests splitting up. They need to get more information and locate Maori. While Heart understands, she's become a little suspicious of Saki now but tries not to say anything, heading off elsewhere to begin searching.

To her surprise she comes across Konoha, but for some reason while she's standing in front of her, she sounds like she is behind her. Before she can gather her bearings, she watches her leave, and Catherine appears. Catherine admits to having no idea what's going on, but she felt obligated to come and try to figure it out. She intended on gathering information by speaking to everyone but hasn't been able to get anything, so she decides a fight with Heart would be a good idea. Heart suggests they work together but Catherine refuses and makes a demand that Heart tell her anything she knows. Seeing as she has no choice, Heart is forced to fight her.

By now Heart has become irritated, and she asks why this was necessary. Catherine goes on to reveal that Kira got trapped in a Planar Rift-caused subspace and she has been trying to figure out what caused it. She found Kira but she wasn't listening to her and acted oddly. Heart is relieved knowing this much as Catherine leaves, and she recalls what Saki said earlier before wondering if Kira is the cause of all of this.

Incident at the Academy 4[]

Heart decides to call Saki and update her but the signal drops, so she decides to locate her on her own. She comes across Petra and begins addressing her with affection- causing one of her aids to giggle before she demands to know which one it was. She deduces it was Clarice after she and Elsa deny it, and she begins to get flustered as they start discussing nicknames with Heart. She refuses to let them continue, until Elsa reasons that having a close friend who gives you nicknames could be nice and she reluctantly drops the subject once Petra agrees to let the two of them address her by her first name now.

With that out of the way she brings up Saki and Maori and asks where they are. She assumes Heart is there due to the Celestial Union and they begin to discuss the strange occurrences. However, Heart claims that she, Saki, and Maori came to look on their own. She admits to possibly knowing the cause as well, but she's not entirely sure. Petra suggests they find whoever is doing this and stop them, but Heart believes they should just convince the person to cut it out and to stop jumping to conclusions. Annoyed, Petra accuses Heart of not being concerned enough over the incident and points out how many have been hurt by it; a simple discussion isn't enough. But Heart knows that fighting isn't always the answer and suggests that they work together.

Petra continues to refuse because she believes her own ideals are right, she doesn't really care how she sounds. She accuses Heart of being too considerate for others and believes that for the greater good some sacrifices must be made. Heart agrees that while those who do bad should pay or it, but focusing on the situation itself is a better way to get a happier ending. By now Petra accuses her of being delusional, and she challenges her to a fight- agreeing to accept her view if she can beat her.

After she wins the fight, Heart tells Petra that she does not think there is only one way to do things right; but her way does come in handy sometimes so there's no need for an apology. Even if Petra doesn't see her as a friend, she still views her highly. Elsa and Clarice suggest to Petra that they should get going and Heart claims that she still plans on making everyone else happy, so she will stick to her original plan. Petra responds by telling her to do whatever she thinks is for the best and they leave. Heart mentally apologizes for being secretive about the information she found out, but she doesn't think it would have been smart to bring up Kira. She has to find her before someone else can.

With that, Heart decides to check an area where the light appears to be the brightest.

Incident at the Academy 5[]

Heart runs towards the light and bumps into Weiss, who apologizes for not paying attention. The girls exchange names and inform each other of how they are not associated with the Celestial Union. Heart mentions that she has worked for them in the past, but she wasn't there because of them. Weiss is glad and goes on to explain how she got there- although, unlike everyone else she doesn't actually mind being there. Heart mentions how odd this is and confesses that while she was worried, now she's just worn out because she had so many fun encounters. She asks Weiss why she was traveling alone and why she feels happy now of all times, and Weiss claims that it has a lot to do with her companion whom she was separated from. Before they came to this world, they didn't act like their true self.

However, at the thought of becoming lost and forgotten, Heart realizes she must hurry and locate Kira before she weakens and dies. Before continuing, she notices Weiss struggling with something and tells her that at times making a choice can be difficult- but she is sure Weiss will do the right thing. Pleased by this, Weiss is glad she came across Heart, but their easygoing feelings are short-lived when Weiss suggests that she try to hurry up to find Kira. She isn't sure that she will stand too much of a chance, and she because she wants to do this herself, they can't go together. She also believes that whoever finds her first should just act on instinct regardless of the situation. Heart agrees and they split up. 

After coming to a dead end, Heart begins to feel hopeless. The tremors are continuing and she hasn't come across any signs pointing her out to the right direction. She doesn't know what else to do. It's then she finds herself before the brightest spot yet and realizes she's now outside.

Spotting Kira up ahead, Heart runs forward and demands an explanation. She tells Kira that everyone is suffering from her selfish plotting for world domination but she rejects her complaint, saying that she can fight her if it's such a big deal. Heart attempts to get her to listen to reason but Kira refuses and calls her stupid. Heart asks if Weiss is her friend, which Kira quickly denies and tells Heart that as long as she can rule the world and be on top she does not need anybody else. Heart tries telling her that she will become lonely, but this provokes Kira into attacking. Heart promises to help Weiss by bringing Kira back to her senses. 

Kira is shaken by her loss to Heart, and Heart points out that they didn't have any choice but to destroy the machine. Weiss shows up and offers to take Kira back home, even if she couldn't do much to help her this is the very least she can do. Heart feels saddened to see how distant their friendship appears to be, but she convinces Weiss that even if Kira forgets her, she will still remember deep down. She also knows this is not the real Kira. As the light begins to fade, everyone returns home.

The following day Heart approaches her friends and they ask how she is feeling. She isn't able to remember what went on earlier and they claim to feel the same way when Maori points out that she heard something say incidents like the one they were involved in tend to be forgotten. Now that everything has been taken care of, they can be happy knowing this. It's then they go on to ask if she did the math homework from the prior day and Saki insults her when she starts to panic. She tells her that if they hurry to school then they can help her finish it during homeroom.

Heart makes a mad dash for school while thinking about Subspace-Kira. She comes to the conclusion that friends are a source of kindness and love. She is sure that this version of Kira feels the same way.

Sub Story[]

I want a Dog[]

One day, Heart plays with a Chihuahua when Kamui and Konoha spot her. Having just finished shopping, they ask her why she's there. She explains that she showed up too early to meet with Saki, so to pass time she's been looking at the animals at the Pet Shop. Kamui feels saddened for Heart because she is unable to have a puppy of her own, due to her home being a cafe. She hands Heart a plush dog she won earlier at the arcade, much to Konoha's surprise as she shows her how it can bark when it's tummy gets pressed. Touched by the gesture, Heart promises to take good care of it.

Vending Machine Jackpot!![]

One day, Heart and Lilica are hanging out at the park when Heart gets thirsty. Lilica points her out to the vending machine she saw earlier and she runs over. After observing her choices, she selects the Great Super Happy Juice Extreme. Catherine approaches and comments on how she finds it hard to believe Heart is actually drinking that since it's probably gross, but Heart doesn't understand. She points out that it's name sounds good, but Catherine counters by claiming that the drink doesn't say why it is called Extreme.

Heart is sure it'll be fine though, and she inserts her coin. But they are startled momentarily when the machine begins to make strange noises and announces that Heart won a second drink; this time a can of tea. Catherine is amazed to see how random this is but Heart is fine with it. The game pops up a second time following this.

After some time, LIlica complains over how long Heart is taking and decides to check on her, hearing the music nearby. She approaches them as it's announced Heart has won another drink, causing Heart to ask for Lilica's help while Catherine brings up that she's won 20 drinks. Heart isn't amused any longer and she begins to cry.    

Sweet Valentines Day[]

Heart meets up with Saki and points out to her that the colors of the Tokyo tower have changed, along with the pattern. Saki had not noticed it and Heart explains by saying that Spring and Autumn have a warm coloring, while Summer has silver. The shape pattern forms into a heart during Christmas, so she is very excited to find out what the next one will be, since that event is approaching. Saki is confused until Heart announces that Valentines Day is coming up. Saki admits to forgetting because she doesn't care about it very much.

As Valentines approaches, Heart excitedly admires the pink lit up tower and the sight of chocolate everywhere. She feels inspired to make chocolate too, causing Saki to quickly ask if she likes someone- when Heart interrupts to ask her something and bring up the extra-big cake she wants to make for Saki. Saki brushes off her earlier curiosity having calmed down now, and she tells her that she is looking forward to it.

On a Rainy Day...[]

Heart is surprised when it suddenly starts raining, but she thought ahead and she takes out her umbrella. Spotting Lieselotte up ahead, Heart approaches for a chat and asks what she was doing. Lieselotte mentions that she came out for a walk and Heart tries to share her umbrella upon noticing she doesn't have one, but Lieselotte claims to be fine since she wants to go home wet. Heart can leave. Heart refuses and shuts her umbrella, refusing to use it in that case. Even if Lieselotte doesn't want to talk to her, she's still supportive over her and what she wants. She also claims it can be fun to walk home wet and compares it to being like a frog. Lieselotte thanks her, then calls her an idiot for being so goofy; but at least she's in a better mood now.

Always by Your Side[]

Heart sadly complains over getting the window seat in the front row; which seems to happen consistently whenever a class changes their seats. Saki believes it may just be a coincidence but this isn't enough to appease Heart since this means she will probably get into a lot of trouble there. Saki claims her seating won't matter before revealing she will be sitting next to Maori, who is right behind Heart. Heart perks up and she's glad her friends get along so well, but this causes Saki to worry that they might cause problems in class now.

Viva La Matching![]

Heart is excited to be having a sleepover with her two best friends, even getting them pajamas to match her pink pair: a red set for Maori, and a blue for Saki. She got them after they made their plans. Maori is happy and appreciates the gesture, but Saki feels embarrassed before reminding Heart that they were planning on going to Maori's for a study session. As it turns out this was a trick set by Heart and Maori, because Heart wanted Saki to spend time with them and just have some fun relaxing.

Maori apologizes for having been deceptive, claiming that she was initially against it until giving it proper thought. Heart says that they should just have fun now that she knows, and she goes on to reveal the sweets she bought before asking Saki if she is mad now. Saki says that she is, but she thanks the girls anyway. They sit down to play some cards.

10% Reciprocation[]

Petra scolds Heart for being so careless with addressing her, then chastises her for pouting before asking what brought her there. Heart explains that she had found a rose hairpin that looked like Petra's and she wanted to see if it was hers. Petra instantly recognizes it and recalls that it went missing a little bit ago, but she didn't notice until just recently. She thanks Heart before curiously asking her if she ever wears hair pins. Heart claims not to have any need because of her short hair, then comments that she feels envious of Petra, because she can wear cute hair accessories. However, she's just glad to have found the pins owner, unaware of how flustered Petra is.

A few days later, Heart finds a package for her that came from Petra. Inside is a heart-shaped hairpin, much to her surprise. She reads over the letter inside, which describes how happy Petra was to have her hairpin back. She decided to get this one for Heart and believes that despite her own hair length she can still use it. Happily, Heart decides to wear it the next time she goes out.

Kira Worshippers 1[]

After class ends, Heart approaches Saki and suggests they walk home together, but both she and Maori are too busy today. Curious, Heart decides to follow them and see what's going on, but she only finds Saki discussing budget plans. After mentally fawning over how cool she looks, she goes on to find Maori in the middle of archery practice. She fawns over her hakama before taking off, wondering if there's a club she could join as well.

It's then she overhears Kira and realizes she's accidentally walked onto the Primary School division of campus. Having heard her, Kira stops her to claim that she knows which club would be good for her, and she explains the rules: "Praise the great kira, kneel before the great kira, and praise the great kira again".

Heart is oblivious to the true nature of the club. 

Kira Worshippers 2[]

Heart sadly waits for Kira to finish her speech before quickly complimenting it as she tries to leave. Kira scolds Heart for not addressing her by something more desirable and threatens her, but Heart insists that they're friends, so it's okay. Kira doesn't listen and continues scolding her, then asks if she wants to be in her club or not. Heart admits that she doesn't, stating that she's just happy providing a service at the Cafe and making everyone else happy. She doesn't need to be in a club. She thanks Kira for making her realize this as she has come to the conclusion that people only join clubs because they want to be there to do what they want. She doesn't need to join just for the sake of wanting to be in one.

Heart decides that for now she will head home to think up a new parfait recipe. She wants to make one better than the last one Lieselotte really liked. Kira is surprised to hear this and expresses curiosity, only for it to don on her that Heart left during this distraction.

Fluffy Heart[]

Saki, Heart, and Maori are out eating dumplings one day when Saki and Maori notice that something is bothering Heart. They worry that she may feel ill, but she claims she is fine. They are able to deduce she is trying to diet- although they don't believe she has to. Saki claims that Heart's slightly plump body is endearing, with Maori agreeing. Heart doesn't feel better though. As it turns out, she wasn't actually worried over dieting at all, she became distracted by how super-yummy the dumplings looked and was staring at them. This concerns Maori and Saki apologizes for misunderstanding, but Heart assures them it's fine. She decides to just eat yummy foods whenever she wants, causing both girls to worry that they might have just unintentionally provoked her.

Various Events[]

These are found in the main Game when selecting a location to head to.

Chat with Lilica[]


Heart happens to come by Lilica and asks her about the Celestial Stones and her desire to obtain them, wondering what she could want to wish for. Heart decides that she would like to go and look for them as well, to make everyone happy. Before leaving she happens to overhear a woman newscaster.

Heart continues on to find Clarice, who is unhappy that Heart fought with Lilica. As she believes only she should be granted such a privilege. She apologizes, as she didn't mean to cause any problem.

A decision[]


Heart comes across her dear friend, Saki, who questions why she is there before apologizing; realizing the question was pretty dumb. Heart claims it isn't and acknowledges showing up for the same reason as she did. While Saki is able to agree that many more Planar Rifts are occurring she does not wish for Heart to continue and asks her to just leave everything to her. Heart doesn't want to though, worried for Saki's safety.

It's then she spots a crystal and the power radiating from it. Saki asks that Heart hands it over, because she thinks it may be too dangerous for her, but Heart refuses because she doesn't want Saki to get hurt if it really is dangerous. She insists that she can handle it and takes off.

Request from Maori[]


After spotting Heart, Maori asks to have the Celestial Stone she is carrying. She won't tell her why she needs it, but promises to do so later. As Heart realizes that it must be something important, she instead suggests that Maori joins her and that they can work together to fix things.

Petra's Demand[]


Approaching Heart, she demands to be given the Celestial Stone and tells her to just give up trying to fix things. Heart is alarmed by such cold words and asks why Petra is being so mean because she thought they were friends. She tells her that they need to work together, but Petra continues to coldly speak. She tells Heart that they have no relationship whatsoever and she needs to stop thinking they do. She gives Heart a final warning to leave and when she refuses a fight breaks out.

After winning, Heart insists that she and Petra must work together, the stone is dangerous. She takes the one Petra found after spotting it and Petra warns her to be careful with handling it. She takes off to try to locate more Planar Rifts.

Kamui's insistence[]


She tells Heart to hand over the Celestial Stone - citing that as she has a connection to them she would like to do with it on her own. Heart refuses once more however, saying that they are dangerous. She asks how she can rid of the stone before continuing on her way.

The Ultimate Weapon[]


Finding herself overwhelmed by Celestial energy, Heart tries to figure out what may be going on. Scharlachrot voices that Heart is feeling the energy from the ultimate weapon made by the Drexler Institute. Seeing as Heart has two of the stones she decides to take them from her, but Heart stops to ask Scharlachrot if she will help her instead, not realizing that she isn't someone to befriend. She just wants Sophie to return to her and is excited to see this plan of Drexler Institute be followed through. But Heart insists that nobody deserves this and a fight ensues.

After the fight ends, Heart asks for information regarding how to stop the weapon and wonders if she could destroy the stones. Scharlachrot refuses to say anything though - since she is sure Heart can't do anything about it. Heart watches as the Celestial Stones are taken from her and watches as Scharlachrot suddenly bursts into a rant while saying she should die like everyone else.

The ultimate weapon begins to appear as the Newscaster watches from the news chopper. She attempts to discuss what is going on while they make their way to Tanega Island and she has no idea how to describe this.

Shocked by it's plans to destroy Japan, Heart refuses to let that happen while saying she will protect everyone. With that another fight ensues - this time with Heart fighting the ultimate weapon. After she beats it, a voice says that the energy of the Celestial Stones has been lost and everything begins to fall apart.

With everyone saved by the power of love, Heart decides to head on home. The reporter watches the scene unfold and tells everyone that they are approaching Tanega Island finally. But to her surprise, nothing is there anymore. She then ends her segment and reluctantly has them return to the studio.


Heart End 3

After a few days, Heart meets up with Weiss and tells her to do her best. Weiss thanks Heart for her kind instructions and decides to return to Rosenberg to recreate the cake Heart was making. She tells Weiss she doesn't need to be too formal with her though, but Weiss struggles and soon takes off.

Heart then prepares to head home while she thinks about what she needs to do upon arrival. Such as clean the kitchen and take out the trash, although she plans to just kick back and take things easy afterwards, due to having a lot of action shows to catch up on. It's then she bumps into Saki, who asks her what she was doing. Heart mentions having finished her errands, then asks Saki the same question. Saki asks if she can tag along, apologizing for how she got earlier and to make it up to Heart she purchased a tart for her. Heart agrees and together the two friends take off. 

Upon arrival Heart asks Saki to wait up in her room. She explains she has to clean the kitchen first but to her alarm she finds a cockroach in the hallway and falls over, landing on top of Saki. Saki is quick to try to calm her down by saying she doesn't see anything, then tries to make her stop crying. Heart thanks Saki for being there and Saki promises that she will always be by her side.
