Arcana Heart Wiki

Normal Style[]


  • Caledfwlch - →↙→ + A, B or C (midair also) - Attack with a huge downward sword swing. This move can withstand any attack once.
  • Collbrande - ←↘← + A, B or C - Attack with a huge upward sword swing. Guard crashes against midair opponents.
  • Rhongomyniad - →↘↓↙← + A, B or C - Attack with a huge spinning sword thrust.
  • Heaven's Fall - While midair, ↓↙← + A, B or C - Charge downward for a piercing sword dive.
  • Grand Divide - ↓↘→ + A - Attack with a low spinning sword slash at an opponent's feet.
    • Misty Chain - After [Grand Divide], ↓↘→ + B - Send an opponent flying off the wall with a powerful sword swing.
      • Angel Wing - After [Misty Chain], ↓↘→ + C - Leap into the air in preparation to attack the opponent.
        • Sacred Bringer - After [Angel Wing], A, B or C - Attack an opponent with a spinning sword slash. Time it carefully to maximize damage.


  • Sacred Punisher - After [Angel Wing], ↑↗→↘↓↙←↖↑ + AB - Attack with a full power sword attack. Time it carefully to maximize damage.
  • Excalibur - →↙→ + AB - Attack with a massive overhead swing with a huge aura. This move can withstand any attack once.
  • Gae Bolg - ↓↙← + AB - Attack with a powerful advancing sword thrust.

Critical Heart[]

  • Wyneb Gwrthucher - →↘↓↙←→ + AB - Grab nearby grounded opponents and launch them high into the air.
    • Angel Arrow - During [Wyneb Gwrthucher], ↓↘→ + A, B or C - Leap high into the sky in preparation to attack the opponent.
      • Sacred Slayer - During [Angel Arrow], ↑↗→↘↓↙←↖↑ + AB - Put all of your strength into a single sword attack with a huge aura. Perfect timing grants incredible damage.
    • The Extend Force version has a close-up of Fiona ready to make the blow, almost instant kill the opponent.

Simple Style[]


  • Caledfwlch - → + B (midair also) - Attack with a huge downward sword swing. This move can withstand any attack once.
  • Collbrande - ↓ + B - Attack with a huge upward sword swing. Guard crashes against midair opponents.
  • Rhongomyniad - ← + B - Attack with a huge spinning sword thrust.
  • Heaven's Fall - While midair, B - Charge downward for a piercing sword dive.
  • Grand Divide - B - Attack with a low spinning sword slash at an opponent's feet.
    • Misty Chain - After [Grand Divide], B - Send an opponent flying off the wall with a powerful sword swing.
      • Angel Wing - After [Misty Chain], B - Leap into the air in preparation to attack the opponent.
        • Sacred Bringer - After [Angel Wing], B - Attack an opponent with a spinning sword slash. Time it carefully to maximize damage.


  • Sacred Punisher - After [Angel Wing], AB - Attack with a full power sword attack. Time it carefully to maximize damage.
  • Excalibur - AB - Attack with a massive overhead swing with a huge aura. This move can withstand any attack once.
  • Gae Bolg - ← + AB - Attack with a powerful advancing sword thrust.

Critical Heart[]

  • Wyneb Gwrthucher - BC - Grab nearby grounded opponents and launch them high into the air.
    • Angel Arrow - During [Wyneb Gwrthucher], Auto - Leap high into the sky in preparation to attack the opponent.
      • Sacred Slayer - During [Angel Arrow], BC - Put all of your strength into a single sword attack with a huge aura. Perfect timing grants incredible damage.
    • The Extend Force version has a close-up of Fiona ready to make the blow, almost instant kill the opponent.


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