Arcana Heart Wiki


  • Fold - When one or more cards on screen, BC - Removes all cards on screen.


  • One Pair - Activates when five cards are on screen and one pair matches. - An attack that occurs from card combinations. The corresponding two cards will attack.
  • Two Pair - Activates when five cards are on screen and two pairs match. - An attack that occurs from card combinations. The corresponding four cards will attack.
  • Three-of-a-Kind - Activates when five cards are on screen and three cards match. - An attack that occurs from card combinations. The corresponding three cards will attack.
  • Straight - Activates when [10], [Jack], [Queen], [King] and [Ace] - An attack that occurs from card combinations. All cards will attack.
  • Full House - Activates when [One Pair] and [Three-of-the-Kind] are on screen. - An attack that occurs from card combinations. All cards will attack.
  • Four-of-a-Kind - Activates when five cards are on screen and fours cards match. - An attack that occurs from card combinations. The corresponding four cards will attack.
  • Five-of-a-Kind - Activates when five cards are on screen and all five match. - An attack that occurs from card combinations. All cards will transform and attack.
  • Royal Flush - Activates when [Straight] is on screen and contains one suit. - An attack that occurs from correct card combinations. All cards will transform and attack.
    • However, Fold is not available in Simple Style.

Normal Style[]


  • Jack Rabbit - ↓↘→ + A, B or C (midair also) - Throw a [Jack] diagonally downward from midair. The button pressed determines the card's suit.
    • Queen Bee - After [Jack Rabbit], A, B or C - Throw a [Queen] diagonally downward from midair. The button pressed determines the card's suit.
      • King Cobra - After [Queen Bee], A, B or C - Throw a [King] diagonally downward from midair. The button pressed determines the card's suit.
  • Ground Ten - ↓↙← + A, B or C - Slide a face down [10] forward. The button pressed determines the card's suit and how far it slides.
  • Flying Ace - While midair, ↓↙← + A, B or C - Set a spinning [Ace] midair. The button pressed determines the card's suit and how long it spins.
  • Shuffle - →↙→ + A, B or C - Spin a wall of cards around yourself to attack nearby opponents.


  • Triple Face - ↓↘→ + AB (midair also) - Throw [Jack of Spades], [Queen of Spades], and [King of Spades] diagonally downward from midair.
  • Ten of Spades - ↓↙← + AB (chargeable) - Slide a face down [10 of Spades] forward. Charging increases the distance.
  • Speculation - While midair, ↓↙← + AB - Set an [Ace of Spades] in midair to attack an opponent.
  • Rifle Shuffle - →↙→ + AB - Speed a high speed wall of cards around yourself to attack nearby opponents.
  • Misdirection - ←↙↓↘→← or ←→↘↓↙← + AB - Perform a fake Super and summon a [Joker]. The [Joker] is a wild card, capable of substituting for any other card.

Critical Heart[]

  • Magician's Choice - ↓↓↓ + AB - Bind your opponent and force them to pick a card. The effect varies based on the chosen card.
    • The Skull card will perform a powerful combo, while the Arcana card will heal both players and the opponent won't take damage.
      • The Extend Force version now has 8 cards to choose from, also added a Doom card, that will do a overwhelming combo.

Simple Style[]


  • Jack Rabbit - B (midair also) - Throw a [Jack] diagonally downward from midair. The button pressed determines the card's suit.
    • Queen Bee - After [Jack Rabbit], B - Throw a [Queen] diagonally downward from midair. The button pressed determines the card's suit.
      • King Cobra - After [Queen Bee], B - Throw a [King] diagonally downward from midair. The button pressed determines the card's suit.
  • Ground Ten - ← + B - Slide a face down [10] forward. The button pressed determines the card's suit and how far it slides.
  • Flying Ace - While midair, ← + B - Set a spinning [Ace] midair. The button pressed determines the card's suit and how long it spins.
  • Shuffle - ↓ + B - Spin a wall of cards around yourself to attack nearby opponents.


  • Triple Face - AB (midair also) - Throw [Jack of Spades], [Queen of Spades], and [King of Spades] diagonally downward from midair.
  • Ten of Spades - ← + AB (chargeable) - Slide a face down [10 of Spades] forward. Charging increases the distance.
  • Speculation - While midair, ← + AB - Set an [Ace of Spades] in midair to attack an opponent.
  • Rifle Shuffle - ↓ + AB - Speed a high speed wall of cards around yourself to attack nearby opponents.
  • Misdirection - → + AB - Perform a fake Super and summon a [Joker]. The [Joker] is a wild card, capable of substituting for any other card.

Critical Heart[]

  • Magician's Choice - BC - Bind your opponent and force them to pick a card. The effect varies based on the chosen card.
    • The Skull card will perform a powerful combo, while the Arcana card will heal both players and the opponent won't take damage.
      • The Extend Force version now has 8 cards to choose from, also added a Doom card, that will do a overwhelming combo.


Move Lists
Heart Aino · Saki Tsuzura · Kamui Tokinomiya · Konoha · Maori Kasuga · Mei-Fang · Lilica Felchenerow · Lieselotte Achenbach · Yoriko Yasuzumi · Kira Daidouji · Fiona Mayfield · Petra Johanna Lagerkvist · Zenia Valov · Elsa la Conti · Clarice di Lanza · Catherine Kyoubashi · Dorothy Albright · Akane Inuwaka · Nazuna Inuwaka · Angelia Avallone · Parace L'sia · Weiss · Eko · Scharlachrot · Minori Amanohara · Pistrix · Dark Heart