Arcana Heart Wiki
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Dark Heart
(ダークハート, ')
Dark Heart Portrait AH3LMSS
Physical/Vital Information
Gender Female
Age Unknown (might be 14 like Heart)
Nationality Unknown (may be Japanese like Heart)
Eye Color Purple
Hair Color Pink
Personal Statistics
Weapon(s) Long sword and knife (Name unknown)
Game(s) Arcana Heart 3 Love Max: Six Stars (DLC)

ATTENTION: This page consists of a character that is not yet released. Only edit this page when new information for this character is released.

"Dark Heart" (ダークハート) is an playable character in the Arcana Heart series, who is coming to Arcana Heart 3 Love Max: Six Stars as a DLC character. No one knows anything about this individual, and everything about her is shrouded in mystery.

Her Arcana is Love Prison Geist.


From what is seen so far, Dark Heart is Heart's exact opposite in appearance. She wears a black high school uniform with red and yellow straps on the arms, a pair of white gloves, a black cape, black boots accented with yellow buttons, rings on the top and yellow soles. She wears a black military cap with a red strap and a yellow heart symbol. Like her good natured counterpart, she also has pink hair, but it is longer, reaching down to her legs and lacks the hair antenna(though it's unknown if she has a hair antenna, since she's wearing a cap). Her eyes are a reddish purple color instead of the orange eye color Heart has.


Not much is known as of late. What is currently know is that, for currently unknown reasons, is that Dark Heart harbors a deep hatred against Heart Aino.


Not much is known as of late. All that is known is that she bears a deep hatred against Heart Aino.


Playable Characters Heart Aino · Saki Tsuzura · Kamui Tokinomiya · Konoha · Maori Kasuga · Mei-Fang · Lilica Felchenerow · Lieselotte Achenbach · Yoriko Yasuzumi · Kira Daidouji · Fiona Mayfield · Petra Johanna Lagerkvist · Zenia Valov · Elsa la Conti · Clarice di Lanza · Catherine Kyoubashi · Dorothy Albright · Akane Inuwaka · Nazuna Inuwaka · Angelia Avallone · Weiss · Eko · Scharlachrot · Minori Amanohara · Pistrix · Dark Heart
Non-Playable Characters Mei Ling Hua · Hyoudou
Minor Characters
Assist Characters Tsuzune Kasuga · Koito and Kouta Kasuga · Elfriede Achenbach · Michelangelo · Chromatius · Terry Yodogawa · Lion, Tin Man & Scarecrow · Merlin · Kazu
Bosses Mildred Avallone · Parace L'sia · Ragnarok · Omega