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Angelia Avallone (アンジェリア・アヴァロン, Anjeria Avaron) | |
Arcana | Mildred |
Also known as | Other Sis (by Fiona) Angel Lady (by Eko) Ange (by Dark Heart) |
Physical/Vital Information | |
Gender | Female |
Age | Eternal (stopped aging at 10) |
Birthday | September 13th |
Nationality | British |
Blood Type | B |
Height | 110 cm (3'8") |
Weight | 16 kg (35 lbs) |
Measurements (B/W/H) | Sorry, she's transcended the physical |
Eye Color | Orange |
Hair Color | Platinum Blonde |
Personal Statistics | |
Affiliation | 4th Grade Elementary School |
Favorite Subject | Anything new to her |
Weakest Subject | Anything that requires effort to understand |
Fighting Style | There's no way you can win against a being of higher order. Idiot. |
Appearances | |
Game(s) | Arcana Heart 2 (Boss) Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2 Arcana Heart 3 Arcana Heart 3 Love Max Arcana Heart 3 Love Max Six Stars Arcana Heart 3 Love Max Six Stars XTEND Apron of Magic (Guest) |
Voices | |
Japanese | Eri Sendai |
“ | Whoever wants to work with me, do exactly what I say! | ” |
Angelia Avallone is a character in the Arcana Heart series, who made her debut in Arcana Heart 2 as the boss, and later the sub-boss in the updated version, Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2, which she has been playable since. She is a young girl with seemingly heavenly powers. She willingly traveled to the Arcana World from the physical world seven years ago, which caused her to stop aging. She holds the magician Merlin she met in Arcana World in one hand.
Her Arcana is Mildred, the Arcana of Halo (Light in the English version), who is also her twin sister who was caught in a dimensional split between her world and the spirit world and received new powers as a result. She serves as Angelia's guardian.
Despite looking like a young girl, Angelia Avallone is actually Mildred's real older twin sister. Seven years ago, she willingly traveled to the Arcana World from the physical world. Since then, she has stopped aging.
Angelia is a young girl with platinum blonde hair (which is a bit brighter when fighting her in AH2) as long as her body and orange eyes, like her twin sister, Mildred, and a halo above her head.
She wears a large white buttoned up shirt. Beneath the shirt she is completely naked.
She is cheerful, openhearted, and egotistical and does not change her mind because of others.
Angelia hates being bored and often will talk to herself in an attempt to stay entertained. She'll do anything as long as it's fun, and has had a number of incredible adventures since entering the spirit plane. However, she constantly worries about her twin sister Mildred, who she left behind.
Arcana Heart 2[]
Arcana Heart 3[]
- 「出発進行だぞー♪」 (Departure progress ♪)
- 「神でも天使でも悪魔でも、あたしに逆らったら死刑。いじょ」 (God, angel, devil, if you go against me, you will be sentenced to death. Ijo.) (Pre-Battle)
- Mil! (Preforming Arcana Eclipse)
- 「調子にのるなー!バカバカバカバカバカバカーッ!死ねーっ!」 (Don't get sick! Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid! Die!) (Critical Heart)
- 「お前なんかキライだーっ!うぉりゃーっ!死ねーっ! ―― ふぅ~。すっきり♪」 (You're so happy! Wow! I'm dead! ――Fu ~. Refreshing ♪) (Extend Critical Heart)
Continue Screen[]
"Uh... What vas that?" This section used some sort of translation that are not official. |
- いてててて・・・。 本気でぶん殴りやがって~・・・・・・。 (Ote ote ote... You really hit me hard~・・・・・・.)
- レバーを前方向に入れて攻撃ボタン! マーリンがきらきら魔法で攻撃するぞ! さすがマーリン!えらい! (Push the lever forward and press the attack button! Merlin will attack with sparkling magic! That's Merlin! Great job!)
- 相手の攻撃を受け止めて幸せをプレゼント!→↓↘で攻撃ボタン。 タイトルは「あなたに贈る幸せのかたち」 (Catch your opponent's attack and give him happiness! Press →↓↘ for the attack button. The title is "The Shape of Happiness Presented to You.")
- マーリンが大きくなってびっくりだぞ! ↓↙←で弱中同時押し。 タイトルは 「抱きしめたいよマーリン!」 (You'd be surprised how big Merlin gets! Press weak and medium simultaneously with ↓↙←. Titled "I want to hug you, Merlin!")
- ちなみにレバーを前方向と攻撃ボタンの マーリンきらきら魔法攻撃は 地上でも空中でもしゃがんでも使えるぞ! (By the way, you can use the lever forward and the attack button. Merlin's sparkling magic attack can be used on the ground, in the air, or in a crouch! You can use it on the ground, in the air, or in a crouch!)
- おーい、さっさと続けろよー。 あくびしちゃうぞー? ・ぶわぁ~~~~。 ・・・・・・むにゃ。 (Hey, keep it up! I'm yawning! I'm going to yawn...bwah ~~~~. ・・・・・・ mnya.)
- 「抱きしめたいよマーリン!」 の途中で ←↙↓↘→と中同時押し! タイトルは「あの流れ星にお願いを!」 ("I want to hug you, Merlin!" in the middle of Press ←↙↓↘→ and press simultaneously in the middle! The title of the song is "Please, shooting star!")
- 気に入った! あいつを子分にするぞ♪ (I love it! I'm gonna make you my henchman. ♪)
- ちくしよ~~~~~~~~・・・・・・。 (Chickshow ~~~~~~~~・・・・・・.)
- 私がきらきらしながら上にとつげーき! ↓ため↑で攻撃ボタン。 タイトルは「そのきらめきはスターライト」 (I'm sparkling and charging up the top! Attack button with ↓ to ↑. The title is "That Sparkle is Starlight".)
- 私のフクザツな心がうまく表現されてるぞ♪ 弱強・中・弱強をタイミングよくぽぽぽん! タイトルは「乙女心は不安定なの!」 (My fickle heart is well expressed... ♪ A well-timed pop of weak, strong, medium, and strong! The title of the song is "The Maiden's Heart is Unstable!")
- 私が天使のほほえみでフェードアウト!↓↙← で攻撃ボタン。 タイトルは 「お願い私をつかまえて」 (I fade out with a smile of an angel! Attack button in ↓↙←. The title is "Please Catch Me.")
- 強攻撃とアルカナボタン同時押しで アルカナブラストだぞ! こんなのに頼るようじゃダメだぞ。 (You have to press the strong attack and the Arcana button at the same time. It's Arcana Blast! You can't rely on this kind of thing.)
- 私の瞳の輝きはダイヤモンドな永遠の輝き! →↓↘で弱中同時押し。 タイトルは「このまなざしはムーンライト」 (My eyes sparkle like diamonds forever! Press →↓↘ and then weak and medium simultaneous push. The title is "Kono manazashi wa moonlight.")
- 私をこんな目に遭わせたヤツは、 ぎったんぎったんにして子分にして、 さらに意地悪してやるぞ♪ (Whoever did this to me, I'm gonna make him my henchman, I'm gonna make him even meaner.)
Story Mode[]
Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2[]
"Uh... What vas that?" This section used some sort of translation that are not official. |
- とりあえず、さっきお前が ものすごーく失礼な目で私を見てたから 世の中のきびしさを教えてやったぞ。 (Anyway, you were looking at me with such disrespect just now. I told you how hard the world can be.) (Saki Tsuzura if not chosen as rival in Day 2)
- 物質体なんかに囚われてるから 極端に重力の影響を受けるんだよ。 まー、犬は地面を走ってる方が似合うぞ♪ (Because you're trapped in a material body or something. It's extremely affected by gravity. Well, dogs look better running on the ground.) (Konoha)
- へー。お前、面白いなー。 エーテルで動く機械かー。 いっぱい作ったら私の子分もいっぱいだな♪ (Heh. You're funny. A machine that runs on ether. If I make a lot of them, I'll have a lot of henchmen.) (Mei-Fang)
- 誰と比較してるのかは知んないけど、 お前が私をバカにしたことはわかった。 口のきき方に気をつけろよなー。 ( I don't know who you're comparing me to, but I know you made fun of me. You better watch how you talk to me!) (Lilica Felchenerow)
- 迷子じゃないぞ。 失礼なヤツだなー。 お前を次元の歪みに投げ込んでやろうか? ( I'm not lost. You're so rude! You want me to throw you into a dimensional distortion?) (Lieselotte Achenbach)
- ぶぶ♪ この程度で魔王? ギャグ? それとも、ニセモノか? げらげら♪ ・・・・・・まー、 どうでもいいや。 (Bububububu... This much for the Demon King? Is this a gag? Or is it a fake? Giggle, giggle, giggle. ・・・・・・ Well, I don't care.) (Yoriko Yasuzumi)
- ぷぷー♪ あーっはっはっは♪ うひゃひゃひゃひゃ♪げらげらげら♪ ――あー。 笑った笑った。 (Pfft..ah-ha-ha-ha-ha♪ Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha.♪ I laughed and laughed.) (Kira Daidouji)
- お前の好きな方でいいぞ。 私は常に私だからなー♪ (You can be whichever you want. I'll always be me... ♪) (Zenia Valov)
- 目的も素性も ひ・み・つ♪ ぷぷー♪なんちゃってー♪ でも、秘密の方がカワイイだろー? (♪ My purpose is secret, my identity is secret ♪ Just kidding... But it's cuter when it's a secret, isn't it?) (Elsa la Conti)
- 魔族くずれのくせに 私に忠告とか何言ってんだか。 まー、 年増の言うことだしなー。 うぶぶ♪ (You're a demon tribe bum. I don't know what you're talking about, giving me advice. Well, it's what an older woman would say. Uububububu...) (Clarice de Lanza)
- ぽんこつぽんこつぽんこつー♪ 私のデータなんてあるわけないだろー? .................... ちょっと悲しいぞ。 (Ponk-ponk-ponk-ponk-ponk-ponk-ponk-ponk-ponk... How can there be any data on me? .................... That's kinda sad, man.) (Catherine Kyoubashi)
- これは私の自慢のいっちょーらだ♪ 欲しいか? 欲しいかー? でも、あげないもんねー♪ ぶぶー♪ (This is my pride and joy. You want it? You want it? But I won't give it to you... Bubu...) (Dorothy Albright)
- こっそり探りを入れたってお前なんかに 教えてやることなんかないけどな······ 親は関係ないだろー、 親は! お前、死刑。 (I don't have anything to tell you if you sneak a peek. ------ Parents have nothing to do with it... Parents! You're going to die.) (Akane Inuwaka)
- お前なー。 気持ちよく散歩してる 可憐な少女を捕まえてふざけるなよなー。 いじめるぞ? 泣かしちゃうぞ? うひひ♪ (You know what? Don't you dare catch a pretty girl taking a pleasant stroll. I'll tease you. I'll make you cry. Whoo-hoo!) (Nazuna Inuwaka)
Arcana Heart 3[]
- What would you do if I pulled that heart off of your head? That'd be pretty interesting, don't you think? (Heart Aino)
- Is there anything fun to do here...? I don't really care about this world much... I wonder if there;s an easy way to make it disappear. (Saki Tsuzura)
- Ooooh! ♪ The Millennial Guardian! I'll bet you've got lots of interesting stories! Tell me some! They'll be great bedtimes stories. (Kamui Tokinomiya)
- Ahh! I get it now! I know what the Angelia Detective Agency needs! A dog! A dog is what I've been missing! From now on, you're gonna be my dog! (Konoha)
- What are you doing?! I'm touring Japan right now, and this planar rift is a valuable source of ether. Please wait to seal it until I'm finished. (Maori Kasuga)
- Were you mass-produced? I'd like to order 100 units! You'd make a great weapon for invading the spirit plane. (Mei-Fang)
- Do you really want the celestial stones that badly? Why don't you just comeover to the spirit plane, then? They're all over the place there, you know. (Lilica Felchenerow)
- Hmm... You should come to the spirit plane. You can be my servant and we can explore the depths of the spirit plane together. It would be good for you too, you know. (Lieselotte Achenbach)
- You want the celestial stones too? Why does everybody want those rocks so much? sad. ♪ (Kira Daidouji)
- Angelia Avallone. Special skills: Beating up whiny maids. Here I come! ♪ (Fiona Mayfield)
- What's yours is mine. What's mine is mine. So, your celestial stone is mine! Nuff said! (Fiona Mayfield with Celestial Stone)
- Do you have some sort of attachment to the physical plane? Well, if you don't you should come to the spirit plane. You'd be a lot happier there. (Zenia Valov)
- Ohhh. Are you still attached to your physical body? How sad... It's obvious you'd do much better in an ethereal one. Whatever. Don't get too worked up over it. (Elsa la Conti)
- Hey, you know that secret art you used earlier? The one that makes things human? Can you show me how to do it too? (Clarice de Lanza)
- I want a robot like that too! Make me one! I'll give you lots of celestial stones next time I see you. (Catherine Kyoubashi)
- Why are you wearing a mask? People who wear masks are usually bad people, right? So...I can beat you up...right? (Dorothy Albright)
- *Yawn*... I'm getting kinda sick of sight-seeing, and I'm running out of ether, so I'm not really at the top of my game right now. I guess I can help you train, though... (Akane Inuwaka)
- I'm getting really tired of walking... Give me your dog. I can ride him around. That'll make sight-seeing a lot easier. (Nazuna Inuwaka)
- Are you human? Hmm. I guess you are. Still, at this rate there's a good chance you'll end up turning into a spirit. Well, I'll let you be my protégé when you do. (Weiss)
- You should be a spirit, like me. Just come over to the spirit plane... What's the point of shoving all that celestial energy into a material body? (Scharlachrot)
- Using both Arcana and Geist at the same time, aren't you cool! ♪ Show me some more moves, P.L.E.A.S.E? ♪ (Minori Amanohara)
- If you want, I'd be happy to take care of that celestial stone for you! ♪ If I have that, I won't faint from ether deficiency on my tour of Japan. ♪ (With Celestial Stone)
Victory Screen (Versus Mode)[]
"Uh... What vas that?" This section used some sort of translation that are not official. |
- お前、 だめ。 ぜんっぜんだめ。 そんなんじゃ私の子分にはしてやんないぞ。 (You, no. Not at all. I won't make you my henchman.)
- いいないいなー。 私もお前みたいに 弱っちくなりたかったなー。 ・・・なーんてね♪ げらげら♪ (I wish I could have been as weak as you. I wish I was as weak as you. I wish I was as weak as you. ♪ Giggle ♪)
- お前、ほんっっっとにバカだなー。 (You are really stupid!)
- 悪い頭で考えたってダメダメ。 とりあえず私の真似をしろ。 少しはマシになるんじゃないか? (Thinking with a bad head is no good. Just imitate me for the time being. It'll make you a little better, won't it?, Super Finish)
- あ~♪ すっきり♪ か・い・か・ん ♪ (Ahhh, I feel so good..., Critical Heart Finish)
- 我が妹ミルドレッドは光のアルカナ。えっへん♪ どうだ? すごいだろー? (My sister Mildred is the Arcana of Light. Oh, my... What do you think? Amazing, isn't it?, Arcana Finish)
- よしよし。 よくやったな、 ミルド♪ お姉ちゃん、いっぱい褒めてあげるぞ♪ (Good, good. Well done, Mil. ♪ I'll give you lots of praise, sis. ♪, Arcana Super Finish)
- ミルドおっけー!ないす! ぐっじょぶ! さすが我が愛しの妹よー! 私とお前が一緒なら、 何だってできるぞ♪ (Mildred! I'm in! All right! That's my little sister! With you and me, we can do anything!, Arcana Blaze Finish)
- 自分と同じ顔したヤツが倒れてるのを見ると 昔 ミルドをからかって遊んでた頃を 思い出すなー・・・・・。 いやー、 私も若かった♪ (Seeing a guy with the same face as me down reminds me of the days when I used to play with Mil. ・・・・・ Oh, I was so young!, Herself)
- んー? 何だ、 お前。 下等精霊が私のエーテルの 残りカスでも取り込んだのか? (Hmm? What is it, you? Did some lowly spirit Into the dregs of my ether?, Herself)
- She was first mention in a Drama CD "Heartful Situation Episode 2" stated by Mildred about her existence and Mildred joined the British Holy Spirit Office to find her.
- She likes things she founds delicious.
- She dislikes lies, beds and injections.
- She doesn't like beds because she can't sleep on beds (even if she tried to sleep on a bed, she falls off immediately).
- Angelia appears to be similar to Platinum the Trinity from BlazBlue in terms of being physically young and of having platinum blonde hair as long as her body.
- Some of her alternate colors make her resemble Taiga Aisaka from Toradora, Shana from Shakugan no Shana, Rider (Medusa) from the Fate series and Ika Musume/Squid Girl.
- Her measurements are actually 54cm/48cm/55cm (as indicated in the Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2).
- She is the second playable character to have been a main storyline boss at one point, serving as a "fake" mid-boss.
- The first character was Fiona Mayfield from the first game and later Scharlachrot in AH3.
- Originally, she was the final boss of AH2 before the Suggoi update moved her as the sub-boss, being replaced by Parace L'sia.
- If the player didn't lose a single round after beating Angelia and Mildred.
- She's also the final boss in Trail (Sliver) in Love Max, with Extend Force active for her throughout the fight, having Mildred by her side.
- This also happen in Survival Score Attack before you face Kamui.
- If you get a time up with the most health, it results in the bad ending and an instant game over.
- It was previous used by her sister Mildred in Arcana Heart and later on, Ragnarok in Arcana Heart 3.
- However, this can be avoided if you set it on infinite time limit in the game's settings, so you won't get the bad ending.
- In her Story Mode in SAH2, Maori serve as her middle boss while Kamui serve as her final boss.
- She is the first character to have a boss from a previous game as an Arcana, the second being Pistrix.
- In AH3 Love Max, there are files of her boss sprite from Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2 but leaving her invisible and Mildred controllable as seen here.
Playable Characters | Heart Aino · Saki Tsuzura · Kamui Tokinomiya · Konoha · Maori Kasuga · Mei-Fang · Lilica Felchenerow · Lieselotte Achenbach · Yoriko Yasuzumi · Kira Daidouji · Fiona Mayfield · Petra Johanna Lagerkvist · Zenia Valov · Elsa la Conti · Clarice di Lanza · Catherine Kyoubashi · Dorothy Albright · Akane Inuwaka · Nazuna Inuwaka · Angelia Avallone · Weiss · Eko · Scharlachrot · Minori Amanohara · Pistrix · Dark Heart | ||||
Non-Playable Characters | Mei Ling Hua · Hyoudou Minor Characters | ||||
Assist Characters | Tsuzune Kasuga · Koito and Kouta Kasuga · Elfriede Achenbach · Michelangelo · Chromatius · Terry Yodogawa · Lion, Tin Man & Scarecrow · Merlin · Kazu | ||||
Bosses | Mildred Avallone · Parace L'sia · Ragnarok · Omega | ||||
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